Blog is my own personal opinion only.

This is my own personal Blog page (including all "likes" and comments, images, or uploads), and is not endorsed or sponsored by any company that I may or may not have worked for in the past, present, or future. Any action or post by me on this Blog, in Facebook, on, in any of my books (present or future), or in any other web-based or social media is a pure reflection of my own personal opinion entirely and should be taken as such. Any opinion to the contrary is patently false and will be completely disregarded as hyperbole.

The Physical book - Conquering Coupons! A Step-By-Step Guide to Super Couponing is live!

Thank you to everyone for being so patient with us as we prepared this book! The physical copy is now live and can be purchased from the CreateSpace online bookstore. It will be on in approximately 1 week, and on bookstore shelves in 6 weeks.

Thank you again for the support!

Createspace online store!

New book project!

Started working on a new book project last night. This will be my first religious book and it is very intimidating for me to write. I try to please God with everything I do. I didn't want to write this book as it is near and dear to my heart and soul; however I feel that I am being called to do it. I just pray that God will guide my hand and fill me with wisdom for this project. My goal is to do his will. Prayers are very much appreciated! Thank you to everyone for their support!

First proof for Conquering Coupons!

We received the first proofs for Conquering Coupons a few days ago. Yeah!!! It is always so exciting to hold your work in your hand. For my wife, since it was her first book, was very excited.

The proof has some issues, and needs more revision. Our extraordinary designer (and cousin) Cot (, is already hard at work on our cover revisions. Meanwhile, my wife and I are revising the inside. That is how this stuff works though. Create-->Review -->Revise-->Review in a loop until it is done.

Such a blessing to work on something you love and to be able to share it with others. Hopefully, this book helps people save money! I put an image of this first proof in the bottom of this blogpost.

New price for eBook - Conquering Coupons!

The new price just went live.

Proofs ordered for Conquering Coupons!

We ordered the proofs last night and we will have the newly revised physical copy of Conquering Coupons! in a few days! The physical book will be priced at just $7.99. In anticipation of the physical book hitting bookstores we will be lowering the price of the eBook to $3.99. Thank you to all that continue to support us. Tessa and I are truly blessed to have great friends, fans, and family like you. #ConqueringCoupons

Conquering Coupons book

Conquering Coupons - Article and Interview

Hello friends!

I just wanted to share with you the interview/article that was done on my latest book. As I was telling you, I wrote it with a co-author that I know and love, namely Tessa McNeal (my wife).

Here is a picture of the front page of the Hannibal newspaper that published the interview/article. 

The full article has been posted on Pinterest. You can read the full text at this URL.

You can view the full article at this link (it takes several seconds to load)

You can pick up the book here Conquering Coupons!

The physical book is coming soon!

Thanks for your support and friendship guys!

Keep it Real!

Always be genuine in your interactions with people, they can tell the difference. 

Being genuine or "real" doesn't mean the same thing as being mean spirited. It simply means that you should be true to yourself; you should be friendly, open, professional, and honest in communications with others. The old business adage "Fake it until you make It." may work with technology or knowledge related tasks, but, when it comes to relationships and relationship management, and specifically expressing how you feel and what you think, taking this advice is a very risky proposition. 

When we aren’t genuine with others, we bear the burden for the self-control and energy required to cover the fact that we aren’t being ourselves. Celebrate others accomplishments, and if any feelings of resentment or jealousy creep in, just ignore them. Take the time to be here now with interactions. Be in the moment. You may never know how much this little gesture, this small amount of time, will mean to those that you interact with. One things for certain though, they will feel better about you, and you will improve your relationship with them.

Have you taken the time to appreciate a coworker today?

 It is easy to get so caught up in getting our work done that we fail to notice the little things that others do around us. So take a breath and take some time to notice others and to tell them how much you appreciate them. It doesn't have to be contrived and should be heartfelt. Who doesn't like to be appreciated at work for their efforts in the office? I know I do! You will find that the more you do this, the better it feels both for you and your coworker. You will see that it adds a little spring in their step and brightens their day. We all need that every once in a while.

Conquering Coupons - Physical book is coming soon!

Hello everyone!

We are currently working on getting our eBook "Conquering Coupons!: A Step-By-Step Guide To Super Couponing" into a physical format!

That process should be finished soon. Once it is done and published, I will let you know!

Thank you for the support!

Conquering Coupons! A Step-by-Step Guide to Super Couponing has hit the top 100 list for Finance on!

Awesome guys! Thank you to everyone! Conquering Coupons! - just hit #82 on the best sellers list for Finance in! #ConqueringCoupons

Thank you so much! You guys are awesome!


Conquering Coupons! - Is live!

Hey, I finished my book. Check it out and save lots of money at the grocery store!

Check out Conquering Coupons!

Conquering Coupons!: A Step-By-Step Guide To Super Couponing - is going live

My wife and I worked extremely hard this weekend and finished our new couponing book! Conquering Coupons should help anyone learn how to do extreme coupon shopping and save big bucks at the register!

Here is the description of the book:

Learn how professional Super Couponers Justin and Tessa McNeal have saved thousands of dollars off of their grocery bill! Now in this step-by-step guide they explain exactly how they shop for extreme savings, and teach you all of the tips and tricks that they know about Super Couponing. Save your family potentially hundreds of dollars off the cost of your grocery bill each month with the information in this book. This book will completely demystify the process of extreme couponing and really help anyone that wants to do it.

Thanks again to everyone for their tremendous support! I couldn't do it without you.

Crunch time!

My wife and I are taking this weekend to buckle down and focus on this latest book. We have several dozen images to incorporate, and a few chapters left to write. With any luck, we will be finished today or tomorrow and it will be available for purchase next week! Writing a book is like a marathon, and we are finally rounding the corner towards the finish line!

Thank you to our cousin (Cluster19) for once again designing the book cover image! Thank you to my beautiful wife for contributing her couponing expertise, and for using her writing skill to help us!

My wife is helping me write my latest book!

My lovely wife has agreed to be my co-author on our next book about Super Couponing! She is really the primary expert on couponing in the house, but she has never written a book before. This weekend we both spent some considerable time on the book. I think she was actually starting to enjoy herself. I am very excited about this project! It shouldn't be long now until it is released

The book will be published first in eBook format but will also be published in physical format shortly after the eBook is released. This book will completely demystify the process of extreme couponing and really help anyone that wants to do it.

I hope you will enjoy it! I will let you know when it is available for purchase.

Published Massive Biceps and Triceps - July 7, 2012

I spent some time doing personal training and being a power-lifter. During that time I developed some pretty remarkable training programs. This book is all about my arm program for big biceps and triceps. My workout in this book will get your arms jacked! I already have very positive reviews with sales in 4 countries!

I published this on July 7, 2012.

The Definitive Guide to Interwoven TeamSite with foreward by Mr. Russell Nakano

My first major book through a big publishing house. Non-fiction and all about the Enterprise Content Management System - Interwoven TeamSite. My author and I were expert consultants with the system and wanted to give back to the community because no other book existed on the topic.

The Definitive Guide to Interwoven TeamSite

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