Free isn't free.

Young voters, please read. I'm going to give you a life lesson. Nothing in this world is free except bad advice and it also comes at a cost if you choose to follow it.

Any politician's promises of free this and free that, are not free. Tax payers will have to foot the bill. If that doesn't worry or bother you, remember, what is "FREE" for you today will surely cost YOU tomorrow.

Listen, you attend college, I hope, to get a good education so that you can find a good job. That job will require you to pay taxes. Those taxes will be raised and spent by the government to pay for students to attend college for free. So the decisions you make today will have consequences potentially years into the future.

Once you get your good job, you will have to pay the money that you earned to help other young students attend college for free. Oh, I forgot to mention that all the while this is happening the government is continuing to waste trillions of dollars and to grow our National Debt. Which means that the taxes I pay, today, to send you to college for free, will only be a fraction of the taxes that you pay to send the next young person to college for free. Debt is a vicious cycle, ask anyone that has credit card debt.

I just want you to be smart and think about these things. You can do it! I believe in you!

Charlie Mike!

Sincerely, Justin M.

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