The little bridge on the cover of "Why you should trust the Bible" book.

Many people have told me they love the cover photo for "Why you should trust the Bible". Thank you very much, but I had very little to do with that.

I had some time to kill one day, and I was driving around O'Fallon Mo. I felt the need to travel down this road that I hadn't been on before. As I drove down that little road I noticed a park up ahead tucked into a little bend in the road so I pulled in. The park was fairly empty and I sat in the car for a couple of minutes just enjoying the view of everything. Then something compelled me to get out of the car and walk around a little bit. It was on my walk that I spotted an old bridge right at the edge of the woods. It was really pretty. Old wooden planks, rusted iron hand rails, with a slight breeze blowing the leaves across its flooring planks. I thought to myself, that is kind of how life is. We are born, and we serve God's purpose for our life. We get dinged up by this life. Our external beauty is weathered and worn. All of us face our hardships, but the Lord in his infinite love and mercy, can guide us through it all. If we let Him, He can guide us from one side of the bridge (this life) across the bridge to his Love and eternity.

Later, I would tell my wife about this bridge and show it to her. We had brought my Bible in the hopes that we could take some good cover photos for the book. My wife (a talented photographer) was able to snap the photos that eventually would become the cover for this book. Those photos were used in the design for the cover by my cousin Cot Pagud​.

How amazing our God is that he would guide me to find that little bridge!

Why you should trust the Bible. - Coming Soon!

Covering hundreds of hours of research on the Bible; Why you should trust the Bible contains undeniable proof that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of Almighty God. 

Detailed and backed up by the Biblical verses that are referenced by the text, this book is a must read for any person that has ever doubted the trustworthiness of the Bible.

Have you ever wondered if you could really trust the Bible?
Maybe you have heard that the Bible contradicts itself or that it has been translated so many times that much of its meaning has been lost to time.
Maybe you believe that the Bible is just a good book filled with stories.

Learn why you can put your full trust in the Bible and the Author that created it.

Inside of this book you will learn about some of the amazing Historical, Scientific, and Medical facts that are in the pages of the Bible.

As well as the answers to these questions:

Are there any written historical accounts from witnesses to the events depicted in the Bible?
Is there any archeological evidence to prove the trustworthiness of the Bible?
Were the Egyptians really as advanced as everyone says?
I’m a good person, doesn’t that mean I’ll go to Heaven?
Does God really love me?
Am I past the point of redemption? Can I be saved?
What happens after we die?
Where will I go when I die?
Will I be judged?
What happens at the final judgment?
How can I guarantee my salvation? 

Next book! - Why you should trust the Bible.

Finished uploading my next book titled "Why you should trust the Bible".

It has been proofread, formatted, revised, and is now in the queue. My wonderful wife took some amazing photos to use for the cover. I am just waiting for the cover to be finished.

Then I will push the button. The printer will bind it, print it, and send me a proof. I will then review that proof. If everything is good, I will push the button and the book will be published and available on after a couple of weeks!

I am so excited! So blessed in my life. God is truly great and he deserves all the glory!

Thanks everyone - CHARLIE MIKE!

Have a great day!

What to do when family members or friends attack you?

I know this is a touchy subject for everyone, myself included. However, I wanted to address it because I have had so many of these instances happen to me.

If the attack was physical, then get help immediately. Call your local police agency and press charges if you can. Do not tolerate any sort of physical attack. Look into restraining orders and any other court sponsored document that will help leave an audit trail for any future events that may happen. Your safety must come first!

In my case the attack was verbal. The person that attacked me is definitely too much of a coward to attempt a physical confrontation.

For any verbal or emotional attack

Evaluate if it is an ongoing pattern or a one time occurrence. Most often and unfortunately, it is a pattern. This is how you deal with an ongoing pattern of attacks.

The first thing you have to do is realize who you are dealing with. In my case I was dealing with a person that has a history of mental disorder, a person that has never been really happy in their life, a person that pretends to be a nice person but isn't, and a person that is actually involved in a cult. Really a deeply disturbed and terrible person that is also a compulsive liar. It is very sad actually.

Taking all of this into perspective you can see that there isn't any reasoning with a person like this.

The second thing you should recognize is that the person is probably lashing out at you because they feel inadequate and empty in their own life. They want to tear you down to make themselves feel better. They are probably jealous of your accomplishments and they want to hurt you. You don't have to take that or accept it.

The third thing you have to register is the fact that your peace of mind is worth avoiding that person in the future (if possible). Remember, you should forgive them, but you don't have to subject yourself to that type of behavior again. I know it will be hard to forgive them, but you should. Understand that you don't have to be treated this way.

The fourth thing to do is just move on with your life. Understand that some people are beyond help for us mere mortals. You should avoid that person, and pray for them. Pray that they don't lash out at anyone and pray that God will help them with their demons. Understand that only Almighty God can help them, and only if they allow it.

You can still love the person, even if it will be hard, but love them from a distance. Allow them to continue in their sad life and you go on living yours. No one deserves to be abused for any reason.

My advice to everyone is to surround yourself with positive people and people that add good things to your life. Family or friend it doesn't matter. You want people that build you up, and not try to tear you down. You want enrichment, peace, and harmony. You don't want or need drama. Thank you friends and may God bless you always.


Your friend
Justin M.

Let me know in the comments about similar experiences you have had in your life.

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