Always be genuine in your interactions with people, they can
tell the difference.
Being genuine or "real" doesn't mean the same
thing as being mean spirited. It simply means that you should be true to
yourself; you should be friendly, open, professional, and honest in
communications with others. The old business adage "Fake it until you make
It." may work with technology or knowledge related tasks, but, when it
comes to relationships and relationship management, and specifically expressing
how you feel and what you think, taking this advice is a very risky
When we aren’t genuine with others, we bear the burden for the
self-control and energy required to cover the fact that we aren’t being
ourselves. Celebrate others accomplishments, and if any feelings of resentment
or jealousy creep in, just ignore them. Take the time to be here now with interactions.
Be in the moment. You may never know how much this little gesture, this small
amount of time, will mean to those that you interact with. One things for
certain though, they will feel better about you, and you will improve your
relationship with them.